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Our Mission Statement

Charmz 4 Charity is committed to enriching the lives of all children through educational programs that

  • empower children to work together toward a common goal
  • teach the value of creativity, generosity and compassion
  • contribute essential proceeds to children's charitable organizations


Imagine the face of a child when they create something beautiful, like a bracelet or a friendship. Imagine the smile on a child’s face when he or she knows that they are helping another child. We all feel better when we help people in need. Why, then, do we wait until we are adults to learn about philanthropy?

The Charmz4Charity program brings the concept of philanthropy to a child’s level. Children helping children… What could be more beautiful?

Charmz4Charity is a feel-good after-school program on so many levels. It builds confidence in the children that are involved by letting them realize that they can make a difference in this world. It teaches them about jewellery designing, as well as marketing and advertising. It reinforces team work, co-operation, commitment, and accomplishment. It opens their hearts, and gives them the opportunity to reach out to those that are less fortunate than themselves. By doing this, they learn about responsibility and the true spirit of giving, sharing and caring. This helps them develop respect for themselves and others. Most importantly, this program helps children who need help the most.



(416) 464 2529


Copyright © 2025 Charmz 4 Charity : Revenue Canada Charitable Business Number 85976 2569 RR0001